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OSHA Fines to Jump 78% Effective Aug. 1

OSHA Fines to Jump 78% Effective Aug. 1

The Labor Department announced last week that, as a result of Congressional action last year, it will raise the maximum penalties it can impose for violations of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules by 78%.


The changes affect penalties assessed after Aug. 1 for violations that occurred after Nov. 2, 2015. They are contained in an interim final rule that will be published soon in the Federal Register.


The 78% hike implements changes required by Congress' passage last November of the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act. As reported by Remodeling in February, that law required agencies to publish "catch up" rules regarding the penalties they impose so that the penalties no longer lose their financial sting because of inflation. For instance, OSHA's maximum penalties haven't changed since 1990.


To read more about the penalties hike adjustment for inflations click here.