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L.A. County Supervisor

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    L.A. County Supervisor and Mayor Garcetti gather the industry to fix the region’s housing crisis. see more

    LOS ANGELES, August 26, 2016 – The Building Industry Association’s LA/Ventura Chapter hosted an invigorating exploration on how Greater Los Angeles can increase housing production and reduce costs to provide new homes, thus improving housing affordability and reducing homelessness. 

    "I am committed to continue building on the momentum that we currently have here in Los Angeles,” stated Mayor Garcetti during his keynote remarks. “Together, I am convinced that this room is the right room of builders.” The Mayor addressed his support for the City’s $1.2 billion housing bond, dubbed Measure HHH, which will be on the November ballot, referring to it as, “Measure Homelessness, Housing, and Hope.” 

    The Mayor concluded by stating, “If I could be anyting, I’d want to be a builder. I’d want to be able to build the city’s economy, build the infrastructure, and build trust.” 
    LA County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas stated passionately, “Building affordable housing in the County of Los Angeles is a must in the fight for homelessness!” 

    Discussion at the summit focused on California’s state housing policy and the local impact that it has, specifically the impact on development fees and how they have evolved in 30 years. It was then followed by a discussion about different perspectives from the planning departments--County Regional Planning Director Richard Bruckner and General Manager from City Planning Vince Bertoni. The Housing Summit concluded with a panel discussion on housing challenges and the possible solutions that may lower housing costs and the homelessness rate. 

    “The major issue that the city is facing is the lack of housing production,” said Tim Piasky, CEO of the LA/Ventura Chapter of the Building Industry Association. “The goal for this Summit is to bring the full industry together, government, non-profit, for-profit and talk about the housing needs and issues that we have.”   
    “It’s simple.  We need more housing to make it more affordable,” said Piasky. 

    About Building Industry Association 

    The Los Angeles/Ventura Chapter of the Building Industry Association of Southern California, is a non-profit trade association representing more than 1,000 member companies in the housing industry, construction trades, and affiliated businesses throughout the region. The BIA advocates on behalf of the building industry. Visit its Website at 

     August 29, 2016